Measuring and managing NDIS scheme costs Disability Ageing and Carers

Measuring and managing NDIS scheme costs

VCOSS was overwhelmingly happy with the Productivity Commission’s Position Paper on NDIS Costs, particularly the Paper’s recommendations to provide pre-planning support, improve the planning process and skills of planners, and increase government transparency and accountability about service continuity for people ineligible for individual packages.

This submission focuses on issues we believe were inadequately addressed in the Position Paper, and covers;

  • Participant readiness
  • Planning
  • Streamlined access to early intervention
  • Access and support for people with psychosocial disability
  • Thin markets and people facing multiple disadvantage
  • Carer support and respite care
  • Interface between NDIS and mainstream services
  • Workforce readiness
  • NDIS pricing
  • Governance and funding agreements