Colossal social housing investment to change countless lives Housing and Homelessness

Colossal social housing investment to change countless lives


Victoria is about to embark on a social housing construction blitz unseen in generations, reinforcing the state’s social fabric and stimulating the economy at a time of great need, according to Victoria’s peak social advocacy body VCOSS.

The Victorian Government has announced a comprehensive $5.3 billion social housing package that will create 12,000 new homes over the next four years.

It will also establish a new statutory authority to develop and oversee a 10-year public and community housing growth plan, demonstrating a significant long-term commitment.

“This colossal investment will mean fewer people cold, hungry and homeless, and more people in work. It’s that simple,” Victorian Council of Social Service CEO Emma King said.

“A single investment of this scale has not been seen in many decades, if ever. It’s a gamechanger.”

“This colossal investment will mean fewer people cold, hungry and homeless, and more people in work. It’s that simple.”

Ms King said Victoria had a housing and homelessness crisis long before COVID-19, and today’s announcement is a massive leap towards solving that crisis, while also helping the state move towards recovery.

“The long-term social and economic benefits of this investment will be immeasurable,” she said.

“Housing is a springboard to a good life, a life of wellbeing.”

“With a roof over your head, you can overcome all the other challenges more easily.”

“This announcement will change thousands of lives for the better. Making people happier and healthier, and more able to engage in work, education and the community around them.”

  • For more information or to arrange an interview contact Ryan Sheales on 0418 127 153 or via email.
  • If you need a photo of Ms King please refer to our Media Enquiries section.