Media releases

For all media requests please contact:

Ryan Sheales

Ryan Sheales
VCOSS Communications Director

0418 127 153

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This budget does just enough to keep critical programs ticking over.
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Life remains “grim” for renters, three years after protections were strengthened.
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Extreme heat is a threat to everybody, but especially those living in poverty or disadvantage.
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Victoria should stop allowing energy retailers to pass on marketing costs to people using Victoria’s no-frills default power offer.
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Juanita Pope has been appointed CEO of the Victorian Council of Social Service.
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Dan Andrews has lived up to his promise not to waste a minute.
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We break down which groups are subjected to the most poverty, and where they live.
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The VCOSS Board has appointed Juanita Pope as VCOSS Interim CEO.
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The Commonwealth Games were always more than a sporting event.
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The VCOSS CEO is stepping down after 10 years at the helm
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Victoria has delivered a lean and challenging budget, signalling tough times for many.
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Social and legal groups oppose planned Vic power price hike
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If a power bill storm is about to crash on Victoria, we must raise the levee banks of protection.
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Enshrining this Voice in the Constitution will ensure it is never silenced.
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In the short term, people need help to pay their bills and stay warm this winter.
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Victoria must grasp the opportunities, avoid the unintended consequences and leave a legacy for good
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A bold energy reform plan.
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A comprehensive report on how Victorians feel—and what they want—after years of COVID stress, restrictions and hardship.
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Significant jobs growth in the community sector must be properly supported and managed. 
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Victoria will increase current funding to help services meet rising costs.
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